Monday, August 30, 2004


Livet springer sin gang flere hakk høyere enn hvilepuls. Men jeg liker utfordringer, og en venn av meg hevdet at trivsel og travelhet kan ha likhetstegn mellom seg. I et optimistisk lys stemmer det bra, og jeg definerer meg som optimist. Men det faktum at jeg ikke så en eneste sending fra sommerens ringleker i Hellas er nærmest usportslig.

Kontaktnettet mitt her vokser, og fra unnfangelsen vært hakket større en jeg selv kan sette navn på, rett og slett fordi jeg ikke kjennernavnet på alle som kjenner mitt. Hvorvidt det er bra eller ei, er jeg ikkesikker på.

Våren, eller primavera som den heter på spansk, er i anmarsj. Stundom gløder stjernen i vårt solsystem hardt og lenge, mens andre dager, som i dag, blir bøtter og spann for små for himmeldusjen.

Helga fyltes med en 3-0 seier i kirkeseriens andredivisjon. Som sentral midtbane får jeg springe vilt og hemningsløst, og det resulterte i det siste målet. Northern Pumas A har kun en kamp igjen, lørdag 11. september.

Og fredagskvelden må ikke glemmes. Med Chris fra Oregon og Kishor fra Nepal gikk ferden gjennom byen like til Richmond Assembly of God, og R&B-night med Chido som en sentral aktør. Kvelden var fabelaktig gjort med musikalske prestasjoner av profesjonell karakter, inkludert korsang, rappekonkurranse, parodi på australisk idol (Australian Idol) og ulike vitnesbyrd. Flere hundre ungdom, jevnt fordelt over spekteret av farger hud kan ha, kom sammen for rytmene blå.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

E: You are very welcome

We all walk the same planet, need shades for the same sun and are all connected to the same global network. Certain elements make this world recognizable no matter where on it you may be.

I hereby dedicate a few Koala minutes to type a few remarks regarding the publication of this web site. July 12th I came to Melbourne to finish my bachelor degree in journalism. School began July 26th and provides heaps of work. In addition do my new friends, soccer, volleyball, church and social activities in and around campus occupy most of the remaining time of the
day. My daily agenda has rows of tasks the length of a kangaroo jump. And I love it.

To prevent the inbox of my e-mail address book contacts to be filled by personal jabber from the south coast of Australia, I chose to let my reflections be expressed through this primitive, yet informative home page. Pictures, links and not to forget text have been uploaded to

I will share rows of texts about my livelihood down under, but also more generalized, maybe even philosophical, thoughts and ideas. Most of the memos will be in Norwegian. But enough will be presented in English, all starting with “E:” in the title line. Occasionally the links and pictures will be updated. All this is accessible from the menu on the right hand side.


Offisielt åpNETT

Vi er på samme planet, under samme sol og på samme verdensomspennende nettverk. Noen ting gjør denne verden gjenkjennelig uavhengig av hvor man observerer den fra.

Til tross for gjøremål i høyder av kenguruspenst, tar jeg meg noen Koala-minutter i til å taste noen bemerkninger angående publiseringen av denne websiden.

For at mine bekjente i adresseboka mi skal slippe å la innboksen fylles av personlige utbroderinger fra Australias sørkyst, valgte jeg å la mine refleksjoner komme til uttrykk på denne primitive, dog informative hjemmesiden. Bilder, linker og ikke minst tekst er plassert i denne mikroskopiske lille fliken av webben.

Ofte vil jeg dele tekstrekker om indre tankeprosesser og mitt daglige virke, på norsk. Innimellom vil engelskspråklige memoer, innledet med ”E:” i tittelen sprette fram. Sjeldnere kommer nye sett med bilder og lenker til mangt og meget. Alt dette vil finnes, på engelsk, i menyen til høyre.

Velkommen skal du være!

Monday, August 16, 2004

Contact details

E-mail / E-post:
Landline Norway/ hustelefon: +47 77 18 84 75
Mobile / Mobiltelefon: +47 97 57 48 49

Adress / Adresse (in Norway)
Sindre Storvoll
Stormyrveien 12
9311 Brøstadotn

Adress while I lived in Melbourne, Australia (July 2004 to June 20th, 2005)
Chisholm College (10CG)
La Trobe University
Victoria 3086

Time difference/ Tidsforskjell: UTC/GMT +8 hours / +8 timer vis a vis norsk tid.
Melbourne time

Distance from home/avstand hjemmefra

Sunday, August 01, 2004

E: On top down under


( still works, but due to fire wall restrictions it’s harder for me to operate through that one).
Norwegian cell phone number (which still works for sms, but is too expensive (for me) to be called at): (0047) 97574849
Telephone (on the floor (sharing with 8 other friendly students)): +61 3 9479 1017
Australian cell phone number: +61 432 054 045
Time difference: +8 hours vis a vis Noraway
Sindre Storvoll (10CG)
Chisholm College
La Trobe University
Victoria 3086

Gday, mate!

29 really long hours were spent traveling continuously from Oslo down under. But since July 12th I’ve been bouncing happily around in Melbourne. The city is vast and pleasant ( Public transport like tram, bus or train, can in less than an hour, bring you to La Trobe University ( On campus is the accommodation arrangement named Chisholm College ( In room G on the third floor in tower 10 i hereby type these words.

First day of school occurred Monday. My schedule consists of Journalism Production Workshop, Media and the Spectacular, Spanish beginners and a petite “research methods in health science” subject (Am. English: class)(5 credit points) to fill up my needed 60 credit points per semester. The norm of teaching is one hour of lectures and two hours of mandatory tutorials per subject per week. I believe Spanish will be most demanding, but I’m genuinely interested in talking español. Wednesdays and Fridays I am off.

Most impressingly was the Welcome Week Orientation Festival before school started. The university had set up an extensive introduction to the country, university, city, culture, slang etc for all us new international students. Such a thorough and social prologue into student life I haven’t heard about anywhere else. (

Still as fresh resident, I have already come across a neat volleyball team, a bible study group, church (Bundoora Presbyterian) with its own church soccer team.

Life is good and people nice. Heaps of activities have explored, and about all of them have been wonderful, but I’m aiming for moments to really think through how I am, why, and reflect a little on life. The lack of this probably eased the transition to settle in here though. The last couple of weeks the names of about at 1000 people have passed through my auditory canals. Only a few names have returned (so far) to take part in my memory. The fellow humans I’ve met are mainly (international) students, fellow residents and the different team mates. Most time I’ve spent with four other girls from Mexico, Thailand/US, India and Malaysia. The party of us five have been a lot of fun.

Kangaroos and koalas have been observed. Driving on the left side of the road has been tested. The “winter” down here is more wet than cold. Other than that the differences aren’t bigger than for me to truly enjoy myself.

More comprehensive sign of life, pictures and hopefully a form of home page will be accessible in not too long.

E-mails and questions will be received in exhilaration.

Down there,

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