Monday, July 11, 2005

E: Status homely

It’s 5:58 am Monday morning and I still have two hours left of my third (10 hour) night shift in a row. It’s been a week since I entered my family’s house again, and three weeks since I exited Melbourne airport’s international airport. So much has taken place the last twenty days. Thailand’s adventures, reunions in Oslo and Brøstadbotn, family visits, work, sports, school news and wedding preparations. Nonetheless, the day I left feels like the famous yesterday. Like I predicted before I left, Australia was an emotional tough case to depart.

I’m better however to deal with it all these days though. Being a man strongly aiming to focus on by what I’m surrounded, and not what I do not have, I start blending into my (re)new(ed) everyday in Norway. Yet, a demand for replacing my daily life is that it’s equally good (or better) than the previous. It’s still not there, and that will take time. This is one thing for which I keep you guys particularly responsible.

Saturday night I had a picture presentation (with “only” 406 pictures) to various family members on my Mom’s side, who were in town for some time this summer. It was nice to share and show to interested listeners, but it also reminded me of the splendid reality I lived Down Under. I showed them and explained about my travels, Australia (the whole year), Melbourne, La Trobe, Chisholm, church, soccer, volleyball, Focus, Christian Union, my magnificent friends and so on. I feel I left some of my excitement over there. But I also think it’s something that can be regained once I get used to Norway life again.

One’s occupation fills much of one’s hours. Mine is student, and my study plan for the coming two years was granted Friday. The University of Oslo admitted me to the media studies master program. My first day will be August 17. Available housing facilities are at a standstill, but I’m on the case and in good faith. My desired location would be in the Christian student complex (Albums 1, 2, 3), in which I stayed my first two years of journalism studies (2002-2004).

Until August 14 I’ll be at home. I started working Thursday and have about 20 nights of work left before I move to Oslo again. Outside of work I’m planning the wedding for my female friend getting married. I’m excited about debuting as a best man.

The weather has been wonderful ever since I returned home with clear blue sky and sun around the clock. The temperature has been close to 30 degrees (Celsius). The last couple of nights have been somewhat cloudy, but cleared up for daytime. The temperature has lead to a bit of beach volleyball playing and swimming. Also, a couple of days ago I tried water skiing for the very first time in my life. It sure was more exhausting than expected, but I did not fall (which I did expect).

In not too long, I’ll post some pictures I’ve taken since I came home. For now you can enjoy the last snap shots from my time overseas.

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