Thursday, April 28, 2005

E: Group reduction 1 – Belle

Sunday was departure for the first member from the group of friends in which I take part. Thai American Belle went back to Thailand after nine months Down Under. She wasn’t very happy about it. Nor were we. Personally I wasn’t too emotional about it, as I will go by Thailand and see her again for ten days when I leave June 20th. Nonetheless, we all rocked up in her and Flavia’s place Saturday night for a farewell party (see pictures). Some of us also came with her to the airport Sunday.

I wrote a little poem on Saturday for Belle. The last verse though, is dedicated to all the group members in spite of the last rhyme. Warning: the content is somewhat group internal.

"Mmmm, plane food"

Did you know that Aussies annually eat 260 million pies?
Did you know that 100% of us find you incredibly nice?
We treasure the Thai American late night shows;
the laughter, the talking, the meals she throws.
A Simpsons fan, a surfer dude, a hospitalized volunteer.
A girlfriend, a consultant, a cook worth a cheer.
From the Rock to the Reef – you name when.
Regardless of time and place – always a friend.

Together again, but for reasons in which we won’t dwell.
It’s the last night out, for your big farewell.
There are moving vibes from Guadalajara to KL.
That this is important is easy to tell.
It’s obvious why we would throw a coin in the wishing-well.
For you to stay, a lot we would sacrifice or sell.
In you we got hooked, for the fellowship we fell.
From the group and family: thanks for now, precious Belle!

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