Sunday, March 20, 2005

X: Cricket peak/-titt

Cricket is a big x-Great Britain empire sport that I would not play regularly. My first impression with the activity was as expected; a bit of action around the batting/throwing-stripe, but apart from that a lot of standing and waiting. Kind of like baseball.

I get associations to gentlemen clubs and golf and/or imperialism and colonization. Normally the players are dressed in white from visors to pants. But today it was dark blue versus plain blue, Chisholm College vs Glenn. The biggest plus was that so was the sky; blue which created a temperature around 30 degrees Celsius. I watched the men playing around 1pm. The girls, including my good friend Darsh, played in the morning. Chisholm lost both fixtures as expected, but the girls were only a few runs behind.

This was probably my last option to get to see cricket live before I head back, as the season only runs during the Southern hemisphere summer. I am not devestaded by this fact.

Church attendance tonight was nice. Sunday nights I get together with Kele and Darsh for prayer time, anything but wasted time. Today was no exception. In between these doings I have written a bunch of e-mails, written a few paragraphs about New Zealand for my travel journalism (and now also media internship) and completed my application to become a Residential Assistant at Chisholm.


Cricket er en stor x-Storbritannia-sport som jeg ikke vill spilt fast. Førsteinntrykket med cricket var som forventet; litt action rundt kast/slag-stripa, men ellers mye venting og ståing. Litt som baseball. Jeg får assosiasjoner til gentlemannsklubber og golf, og/eller imperialisme og kolonialisering. Normalt spiller man i helhvitt, fra hatt til bukse. Men i dag var det mørkeblått mot blått, Chisholm mot Glenn. Stor pluss var at himmelen også var blå og temperaturen nærmere 30 grader. Chisholm tapte som vanlig. Jeg så herre-kampen i 13-tida, mens Darshini og jentene tapte knepent klokken 10 på morningen.

Dette var sannsynligvis siste sjanse for å observere cricket i levende live før jeg forlater Australia, ettersom idretten utøves under sommeren til den sørlige halvkule.

Kirkegang var trivelig.
Bønn med Darshini og Kele var fint.

Mellom disse hendelsene har det vært forsøk på å være effektiv uten mye hell. Jeg har fått unna en del e-poster, gjort ferdig min søknad som RA med Wills hjelp, og skrevet et og annet avsnitt om New Zealand for DinSide.

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