X: Franklin Graham
This Saturday began with some journalistic writing. From 2:30 PM Northern Pumas had an internal soccer game in close to thirty degrees (Celsius). It was great to run in the sun, but too warm to be healthy. What will be remembered from today is what took place at night.Feistval Victoria is done tomorrow. But the memories og pictures (on camera and in my mind) will last. It is moving when more than 20.000 people, maybe even 30.000, gather in one stadium for the sake of Christ. From 7:30 pm the Telstra Dome in downtown Melbourne filled to hear American preacher Franklin Graham talk. About 800 churches in Melbourne have chipped in to make this happening free.
As a warm up, Christian artists like Nicole C. Mullen, Katinas and Australian Idol Winner Guy Sebastian sang for us. Every now and then Christian football and cricket stars appeared on the big screens and appealed (for Jesus) to the audience. I came with a group from Chisholm and church. Tonight gave me a lot. As was desired, we want this to be the “faith generation” not the x-generation.
Graham’s speech was direct and honest. He began with saying that either you have the choice of accepting or rejecting God – and there’s nothing in between. With a solid voice and charismatic movements, he clearly explained the message. Through the story of the prodigal son he illustrated how the vacuum humans have inside only can filled with Christ.
“Franklin Graham is a sinner. I am guilty” he shouted, and explained how we are all sinners. Therefore there is no other way to God but through Jesus. Jesus who sacrificed himself for you – and would have done so even if you were the only human being in this world.
“Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired”? Graham asked. “It’s time to quit running”.
Afterwards all who were encouraged to accept Jesus, were told to move down to a large rectangular area in front of the stage. Masses moved down. Next we all prayed the following prayer:
“Dear Lord Jesus,
I know that I am a sinner, and need your forgiveness.
I believe that you died for my sins.
I want to turn from my sins.
I now invite You to come into my heart and life.
I want to trust and follow You as Lord and Saviour.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen”
That is all what it takes to become a Christian.
a) To admit your need
b) be willing to turn from your sin
c) believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the Cross and rose from the grave
d) Invite Jesus Christ to com in and control your life through the Holy Spirit
To wish for this. To want this. To believe it. What you feel afterwards, if anything at all, is indifferent. It is what has happened that makes the difference.
Update March 21st: The major Melbourne paper, The Age, wrote about the event.
Lørdag startet med journalistjobb. Fra 2:30 var det intern fotballkamp for Northern Pumas i mange-og-tjue grader. Det var godt å ta seg ut, men litt for varmt til å være helt sunt. Men det er kveldens aktivitet som vil huskes.
Feistval Victoria er omme. Men minnene og bildene vedvarer. Over 20.000 mennesker var samlet fra 19:30 i Telstra Dome stadion i Melbourne sentrum for å høre Franklin Graham tale. 800 kirker i Melbourne og omegne har gått sammen for å gjøre at arrangementet skulle være gratis. Som oppvarming sang kristne artister som Nicole C. Mullen, Katinas og Idol-vinner Guy Sebastian. Innimellom kom kristne football- og cricketstjerner opp på storskjerm og appellerte til publikum. Jeg dro med en gruppe fra Chisholm og omegn, og fikk mye igjen for denne happeningen.
Grahams tale var direkte og ærlig. Han startet med å si at man har valget mellom å ta imot Gud eller skyve Ham vekk. Med kraftig stemme og karesmatiske bevegelser, forklarte han budskapet godt. Gjennom lignelsen om den bortkomne sønn, fikk han illustrert hvordan vakumet mennesker har inni oss, kun kan tettes med Jesus. ”Franklin Graham er en synder. Jeg er skyldig” skrev Graham, og forklarte hvordan vi alle er syndere. Derfor finnes det ikke noen annen vei til Gud enn gjennom Jesus som ofret seg for deg – selv om du var den eneste personen her i verden.
”Er du sur og lei av å være sur og lei”? spurte Graham. ”Det er på tide å slutte å springe avgårde”.
I etterkant fikk alle som ville ta imot Jesus komme ned på flaten fremfor scenen. De kom i horder. Deretter ba vi alle følgende bønn:
Kjære Herre Jesus
Jeg vet at jeg er en synder og trenger din tilgivelse.
Jeg tror at du døde for mine synder.
Jeg vil vende bort fra mine synder.
Jeg inviterer Deg nå til å komme inn i mitt hjerte og liv.
Jeg vil strole på og følge Deg som min Herre og Frelser.
I Jesu navn.
Det er alt som trengs for å bli en kristen. Tro det. Ønske det. Hva du føler etterpå, eller om du føler noe som helst, er likegyldig. Det er hva som har skjedd som utgjør forskjellen.
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