Monday, November 15, 2004

X: Heavenly dance / Himmelsk dans

A dance church style

Since school came to an end, the attire of life has been recreational. The moving out and travel research/planning have slowly, yet comfortably, started to sculpt.

Most memorable from the hours of this weekend however, was this year’s formal (dance) for the youth of (the church) Richmond Assembly of God. An afternoonish bus ride Saturday transported my suit-clad body to the residence of Chido – my inviter and main motivation for going. Accompanied by two of her sisters (in Christ and color, not DNA), Nonceba and Elsie, a pair of wheels rotated towards a hot shot city complex downtown. Involuntarily amassing some moments of parking space search, provided us with the opportunity for the pro late entrée, yet not too late for the appetizers. Among us young, dressed to party, the communication tuned in on a busy wavelength, the live band’s music came with abundance (body), the cameras snapped frequently, the nutrition compliments smacked away and most faces resembled smileys.

The crowd of potential acquaintances could easily have been perceived overwhelming for a Norwegian outsider, though gracious introductions removed many, if not all, obstacles. As Saturday turned Sunday, after a fair share of motion to music and dessert consummation, some of us headed for a kickback in a fortress of a house a bit north-east of the city. Eventually I was dropped off close to my doorstep a few hours before the sun peaked above the horizon.

The pictures are accessible from the menu.

Kirkedans anno 2004
Etter skoleslutt har dagene vært ikledd rekreasjonsmundur. Sakte, men komfortabelt har reiseplanlegginga og utflyttinga begynt å ta form.

Mest minneverdig fra helgas timer var lørdagens kirkeball/-dans for ungdomsgruppen i Richmond Assembly of God. En ettermiddagslig busstur transporterte mitt dresskledde legeme til Chidos residens. I følge med to av hennes medsøstre i tro og farge (ikke DNA), Nonceba og Elsie, roterte to par hjul oss mot et høyverdig bykompleks i sentrum. Litt parkeringsplasssøk la til rette for en erfaren sen entré, men ikke for sen til forretten. Blant oss unge, festkledde gikk praten livlig, livebandmusikken fyldig, kamerautløserknappene hyppig, næringskomplimentene ofte og munnvikløftene enda mer frekvent.

Mengden med potensielle kjente kunne virket hakket overveldende for en norsk outsider, men vennligsinnede introduksjoner til nye tilværelser skapte få, om noen, stengsler. Inn i de sene timer og overtid for leie av lokaler, etter musikkbevegelse og dessertsvelg, var det nachspiel i frøken Loises paulun av et hus et stykke nordøst for sentrum. Et knippe timer inn i søndagen rullet Paul, ved tilnavn Chile, sitt kjøretøy så nært Chisholm som biler kan komme etter midnatt.

Bildene ble ikke bedre enn ok, jeg slet med å forstå meg på lyssettingen.

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