E: Surf of life
Surfing is one lovely amusement. To erect onself on an oblong board on a crashing wave was not as hard as expected. To be carried and not charged by the water, gives waves a new dimension. New life. New vigour. I was able to stand up several times on the few hour stretch with wetsuit and instructor. The Chisholm-gang who travelled in a rental minibus had a wonderful day along stunning (yet crowded) beaches and salty water a few south of Melbourne. We ended up somewhere near the little town of Torquay where we sprawled a little bit for surfing fashion outlet items. Flavia and Belle were two of the fellow surfers in the bus.Volleyball rocks. Especially when Melbourne Falcons (my team) wins 3-0. My own contribution was affected by a semi-painful shoulder, a minor cold and the fact that I haven’t really ever played middle (attacking in the middle when by the net) before, which prevented me from never truly stepping up. Regardless of lack of middle-hitting skills, I had a great day with my favourite sport. My soccer team, Northern Pumas, lost their first game in the church league’s 2. division. Next weekend I will actually be able to play both sports, as the volleyball game takes place on Sunday and the soccer game is on Saturday.
My time planer struggled tremendously last week to contain space for all my chores of life that had to be completed. Six days in Adelaide (own story and pictures are coming soon) did not exactly decrease the Melbourne tasks list. Work for education, DinSide.no, fitness and friendships caught most of my time. The days are packed, but I enjoy Australia and the life down under.
A brief selection of news from last week
¤ An eye test at the optician showed that the healing after the laser surgery is going well
¤ A lot of time was spend finishing an assignment on a documentary script I am to create. The topic evolves around the crucial court case Islamic Council of Victoria v Catch the Fire Ministries Inc where two pastors were convicted for vilification. The Christian side thinks that this could mean the beginning of the end of Christianity in Australia.
¤ As my long-lasting friend, Nokia 3410, broke down a couple of weeks ago, I purchased a used Nokia 8310 on Ebay for A$51. Sadly, the battery and charger have already shown not to function properly. I’m in the midst of deciding whether I should return the phone or buy a new battery.
¤ I saw the movies “Million Dollar Baby” (7), “Life is Beautiful” (8) and “Spanish Apartment” (7,75) - (rated from 1-10 in parenthesis)
A selection of things that did NOT happen
¤ I got a girlfriend
¤ I got the job as Residential Assistant at Chisholm College. (The application was turned in weeks ago, I got a positive reply, and almost an interview set up – when they actually noticed (on the app) that I was only here for the remains of the semester – and then apologized that they could not take me in for such a short period of time).
¤ I let my hair grow out (new 3mm cut by Kele)
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